What should I wear to your worship gathering?
Clothing is preferred. Though without we’d probably still greet you warmly. Probably no hug….well, maybe. Then we would offer you some clothing. OK, but seriously, come in whatever you feel comfortable in. That is what we all do.
Are you a part of a denomination?
No, we are a non-denominational church. Though when initially planted, we were a United Methodist Church. It wasn’t that we have something intrinsically against denominations but this is where our journey has taken us. We will say that Mosaic is the kind of church that will struggle to fit into pre-determined structures. So being non-denominational at this time works well for us. We do however value partnership with other local churches.
Can women be pastors or teach in your church?
Yes and yes! Women are welcome to be involved in any way a man could be.
How long is your worship gathering?
It would be fair to say we aren’t a “60 minutes and done” kind of church. We probably average around 75-90 minutes. In part that is because of our conversational, relaxed way of being together.
What is your music like?
Our music is certainly modern but we know that could mean anything. We use a mix of instruments (guitar, bass, drums, viola and we would use more for sure). You might hear rock and folk in the same worship set. Some songs may be upbeat and some reflective. Yes, we can be a little loud but we don’t think we are too loud. We’d say our music will “interrupt” you. You won’t be able to carry on a conversation with your neighbor unless you raise your voice some, so you are welcome to sing along or reflect on the lyrics. The goal is truly to help our community enter into worship through song. Our voices are the most important instrument. You can go HERE for a Spotify playlist of songs we have sung together.
Do you have a nursery?
We do not presently have nursery care. We have a different view of children at Mosaic. We want children WITH us as much as possible. You can read more about children in our gatherings HERE. That being said, it is common for someone to walk up and offer a break or help for a mom who might be dealing with an unhappy baby. That is what families do.
Can anyone take communion?
Our communion is totally open to anyone who would like to remember and reflect on and encounter Jesus through the Eucharist.
Will you officiate weddings?
Yes, our Pastor will officiate weddings. Gay, straight or otherwise, feel free to reach out to Dan Carlson at dan@tcmosaic.com. We can not however host wedding events as we do not own our own space.