Children & Youth @ Mosaic
We think all churches would say they love children. But the “medium is the message,” so one could argue that they love them from a distance. Maybe in their own wing or even their own building. Certainly not in the worship gathering. We do things a little differently at Mosaic. We want children and youth with us as much as possible.
Elementary Children
Mosaic Children Packs
Each Sunday, children will find their Mosaic Pack filled with fun items. It could include some treats or small prizes. They might find coloring pages pertaining to Sunday’s message. There will of course be some crayons and paper. Each week is a surprise.
Our children can join in almost everything we do as a church. When we helped Safe Harbor prepare for their upcoming season, our children were there cleaning walls as far as they could reach. On Sunday’s you might find them helping vacuum after the gathering. On #bethechurch Sunday, you might find children handing out free popsicles.
It is not unusual at all to find a group of children holding hands in a circle and dancing during our musical worship. There may even be an adult or two joining them. At other times, we have included fun crafts that everyone can participate in as a part of our teaching series like making “Superpower Capes” during our Spiritual Gifts series.
A Space for them
Our Sunday morning space has plenty of things geared for our youngest (and young at heart). The tables we sit at will include paper, colored pens and even playdoh to keep little hands busy. There is also an area that kids can head to right in our space that will include some cushy seating and toys. You would be surprised what children pick up just by being in the same space as their parents and other adults.
Special Events
Throughout the year, Mosaic plans and hosts several events really geared towards children both in and outside of our church community. In the past, this has included things like the largest Easter Egg hunt in Northern Michigan with over 10,000 eggs, Family Movie Nights, and a massive Block Party with games, prizes, food, and more. All for free. We love thinking about new ways to bless families and children in our community.
Youth Small Group
Prior to COVID we held a Youth Small Group. It was a night of fun and conversation oriented around who Jesus was. We hope to start that Small Group again.
Just like with our children, our youth join us whenever we are involved in and serving our community. Whether it be cleaning up Safe Harbor or running our Block Party or doing face painting at the PRIDE picnic.
There are plenty of opportunities to be involved during our worship gathering. Currently, most of our praise team is made up of High School and College students. We love seeing our young people leading!
Adult Groups
It is not unusual for anywhere from Middle School to College students to join our Tuesday Small Group. This means when we catch up on the week, the conversation ranges from registering for classes to which Medicare plan to go with. Having a time when young and old share their thoughts and questions is amazing!
Special Events
As we said above, we want our children and youth WITH us as much as possible. That doesn’t mean we don’t understand that youth want to also have fun with their peers. So we take time to gather just as young people for things like a bonfire and s’mores or a beach day or tubing in the winter.