Rooted in Traverse City
In our Vision Statement, we say that we desire to be “rooted in Traverse City.” But what does that mean? John 1:14 says that Jesus “became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood.” (The Message) It seems however like the church has often moved out of the neighborhood. Even our worship spaces seem to be outside of town. So to be “rooted” means to be IN & WITH & FOR. Our dream would be that if for some reason Mosaic Church ceased to be, maybe abducted by strange Jesus Follower seeking aliens, Traverse City would notice. They would say, “Hey, something seems different? What has changed?” It is a big dream. A dream worth pursuing. Keep reading below to see more about what this means to us.
Community Events
These are opportunities we provide for our community to just have fun. Anyone is welcome and there are no strings attached. We’ve held Easter Egg Hunts, Movie Nights, Block Parties with games and food. The possibilities are endless.
There are so many great organizations in Traverse City. We don’t have to do everything from scratch. So we love to partner with these organizations to serve. An example would be Safe Harbor. Prior to the 2019 season-opening, we did a thorough cleaning of the building and we have also served meals. Or it could be delivering Christmas goodies to the residents of Medilodge who are isolated due to COVID. If you are involved in an organization in our City, reach out to us if there are things we can help with.
There are times where one of the most important things we can do is stand with those facing injustice, violence, and discrimination. That may look like serving water and snacks at a BLM protest as our community grieved the killing of George Floyd. It may look like giving “Free Hugs” to our LGBTQIA+ friends, family, and neighbors during PRIDE week. Injustice for some is injustice for all. So we stand WITH our brothers and sisters.
Simple Needs
We are not many. We are not a church of 1000. And we don’t have much by way of a big bank account. But loving others does not need to be complicated. We can meet so many simple needs. The things that hit people and families every day. We have done food showers. Provided Christmas Presents for a family. And many of us do this as a regular habit personally through organizations like Spark in the Dark. If you, or someone you know, could use a little help, please go the link below and let us know.